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Engineering at Corpus Fact File

Typical offer: A*A*A in A Levels (or equivalent). We may sometimes specify A* in Mathematics or Further Mathematics (if taken).

Required subjects: Mathematics and Physics A Levels (or equivalent). For those taking A Levels, Further Mathematics A Level is strongly preferred.

Typical number of English undergraduates admitted per year: 6-7

Submitted written work requirements: see our Written Work webpage

Admissions assessment: Pre-registration assessment 

Engineering at Cambridge

In Cambridge, the Engineering Tripos covers classical topics, such as Mechanics, Electronics, Applied Mathematics in the first two years, and they are extended in the third and fourth years to more specialized advanced topics such as engineering for aircraft, automobile, life science, silicon chips, artificial intelligence, and largest buildings. The Engineering Tripos is accredited by all of the major engineering institutions, which allows you to practice as an engineer immediately after your degree, en route to becoming a Chartered Engineer.  You cannot do this with any other degree.

Why study Engineering at Corpus?

Engineers at Corpus benefit from a strong collegiate tradition at one of Cambridge’s finest city-centre Colleges, a five-minute walk away from the Department of Engineering. Corpus students in their senior year often choose to live in our Trumpington Street hostel, directly across the road from the Department. The advantages of studying in a smaller college are numerous, as this gives many opportunities to interact with Fellows, graduate students and undergraduates in senior years through subject dinners, social events and discussions. There is a close-knit and supportive Engineering community at Corpus.

Recent Corpus Engineering graduates now design, amongst other things, Formula One cars, nuclear submarines, and wind farms. Others work for major financial institutions; others teach science and lecture Engineering; others run major world-leading engineering companies that generate millions in turnover. Other have donated millions back to the College following successful careers built on studying Engineering at Corpus. Fundamentally, you will secure gainful employment in any discipline, not just Engineering, where there is a need to solve real-world problems.

What do we look for in applicants?

Every aspect of your life is made more comfortable and enjoyable because of advances in engineering.  Anything that is made will have engineering processes at its heart; engineers test, design, build and understand the artificial word around you.  The last twenty years have witnessed a sea-change in the engineering landscape: from the Internet revolution, to how we manage and maintain our standard of living with ever-diminishing resources.  The world is looking to engineers for solutions to these challenges. If this is something that excites you, Engineering may be the degree course for you.

Engineering is applied mathematics focused on the real world. We are therefore looking for applicants who have strong mathematics skills, and who can demonstrate an ability to tackle new and challenging problems.

Super-curricular resources
  • Engineering applicants are encouraged to spend time practising challenging  problems outside the school curriculum. There are lots of great online resources where you can find new problems, for example IsaacPhysics and iWantToStudyEngineering
  •  Participating in competitions such as UKMT and Physics Olympiads is a great way to work on challenging and unfamiliar problems.